Hmm... mudah-mudahan apa yang aku lakukan ini tidaklah sia-sia. Cukup banyak sudah investasi yang kutanamkan demi sebuah cita-cita... waktu... pikiran... tenaga... kelelahan mata... kelelahan jemari mengetikkan kode-kode... pegalnya punggung... kontraksi otot kaki saat melangkah ke warnet... ohh, mempunyai tempat di dunia maya memang bisa menjadi kebanggaan tersendiri... apalagi kalau hosting-nya gratis dan powerfull :)
Bicara soal gratis, sebetulnya aku sudah mengeluarkan biaya on-line yang lumayan besar lho, untuk mewujudkan apa yang anda saksikan saat ini. Tidak kurang dari EUR.10,- habis untuk biaya sewa komputer di warnet... sampai-sampai para penjaganya hapal muka dan tampang saya... untung saja saya punya penampakan yang sempurna; ada sepasang mata bola, sebuah hidung yang tidak melesak ke dalam, bentuk mulut yang proporsional, dan accessories lain yang rupa dan tata letaknya membuat orang lain (dan apalagi para gadis belia) betah memandangnya... hehehe
Dulu... dan sampai saat ini pun masih... Aku punya tempat di Free Geocities, tapi konon kabarnya... di sana tuh penuh dengan keterbatasan... Kalau boleh dianalogikan, belajar web design and programming di sana tuh ibarat belajar menari dengan sebagian tubuh digips. Terbayang bagaimana hasilnya :p Untung saja aku mengenal BLoGBuGs Community, ternyata mereka sudah bisa menari walaupun masih ada sebagian tubuh yang kaku... yaa, ala bisa karena biasa... di mana ada kemauan, di situ ada jalan (note: hehehe... kalo nggak ngerti, ya nggak usah dipikirin lah... santai aja lah)
Aku yakin... tidak lama lagi, situs ini bisa dikatakan "layak" disebut sebagai WebLog. Dan mudah-mudahan inspirasi akan selalu datang untuk memberikan motivasi buat anda (para pengunjung) dan tentu saja diriku yang hanya manusia biasa... Di atas langit tentu masih ada langit... Masih banyak kriteria lebih tinggi dan lebih mulia yang layak untuk digapai dan diperjuangkan. Terima kasih untuk semua pihak yang telah memberikan dukungan, baik sengaja maupun tidak sengaja, baik sporadis maupun berkesinambungan, baik ikhlas maupun dengan sedikit ganjalan... Terima kasih setulus hati kuucapkan. Semoga tercapai segala cita dan asa kalian yang bernuansa pembangunan, pemberdayaan, dan tentu saja bersifat terpuji dan mulia.
Oh iya, ada sebuah cerita yang mudah-mudah bisa diambil hikmah positifnya. Silakan dibaca :)
Segelas Susu
Suatu hari, seorang anak lelaki miskin yang hidup dari
menjual asongan dari pintu ke pintu, menemukan bahwa di kantongnya
hanya tersisa beberapa sen uangnya, dan dia sangat lapar.
Anak lelaki tersebut memutuskan untuk meminta makanan
dari rumah berikutnya.
Akan tetapi anak itu kehilangan keberanian saat
seorang wanita muda membuka pintu rumah. Anak itu
tidak jadi meminta makanan, ia hanya berani meminta
segelas air.
Wanita muda tersebut melihat, dan berpikir bahwa anak
lelaki tersebut pastilah lapar, oleh karena itu ia
membawakan segelas besar susu.
Anak lelaki itu meminumnya dengan lambat, dan kemudian
bertanya, "Berapa saya harus membayar untuk segelas
besar susu ini?".
Wanita itu menjawab: "Kamu tidak perlu membayar
apapun". "Ibu kami mengajarkan untuk tidak menerima
bayaran untuk kebaikan" kata wanita itu menambahkan.
Anak lelaki itu kemudian menghabiskan susunya dan
berkata: "Dari dalam lubuk hatiku, aku berterima kasih pada anda."
Sekian tahun kemudian, wanita muda tersebut mengalami
sakit yang sangat kritis. Para dokter di kota itu sudah
tidak sanggup menanganinya. Mereka akhirnya
mengirimnya ke kota besar, di mana terdapat dokter
spesialis yang mampu menangani penyakit langka tersebut.
Dr. Horward Kelly dipanggil untuk melakukan
pemeriksaan. Pada saat ia mendengar nama kota asal si
wanita tersebut, terbersit seberkas pancaran aneh pada
mata dokter Kelly.
Segera ia bangkit dan bergegas turun melalui hall
rumah sakit, menuju kamar si wanita tersebut. Dan
dengan berpakaian jubah kedokteran, ia menemui si wanita itu.
Ia langsung mengenalinya pada sekali pandang. Ia
kemudian kembali ke ruang konsultasi dan memutuskan
untuk melakukan upaya terbaik untuk menyelamatkan
nyawa wanita itu. Mulai hari itu, ia selalu memberikan
perhatian khusus pada kasus wanita itu.
Setelah melalui perjuangan yang panjang, akhirnya
diperoleh kemenangan.... Wanita itu sembuh!!
Dr. Kelly meminta bagian keuangan rumah sakit untuk
mengirimkan seluruh tagihan biaya pengobatan kepadanya
untuk persetujuan. Dr. Kelly melihatnya, dan
menuliskan sesuatu pada pojok atas lembar tagihan, dan
kemudian mengirimkannya ke kamar pasien.
Wanita itu takut untuk membuka tagihan tersebut, ia
sangat yakin bahwa dirinya tak akan mampu menbayar tagihan
tesebut walaupun harus dicicil seumur hidupnya.
Akhirnya Ia memberanikan diri untuk membaca tagihan
tersebut, dan ada sesuatu yang menarik perhatiannya
pada pojok atas lembar tagihan tersebut. Ia membaca
tulisan yang berbunyi... "Telah dibayar lunas dengan
segelas besar susu!!" tertanda, Dr Horward Kelly.
Air mata kebahagiaan membanjiri matanya. Ia
berdoa: "Tuhan, terima kasih, bahwa cintamu telah
memenuhi seluruh bumi melalui hati dan tangan manusia."
SPAM MSG: Sekarang terserah anda, anda dapat
menceritakan kembali
pesan cinta ini kepada orang lain, atau mengabaikannya dan
berpura-pura bahwa kisah ini tidak menyentuh hati anda.
Unfortunately... I'm prefer feeling No#8 rather than No#9, how do you feel about that? :) I will try to figure it out by other way...
7 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 = 27
2 + 7 = 9
Hmm... I'm still prefer feeling No#8 rather than No#9, how do you feel about that? :) I will try again to figure it out by another way...
7 + 2 + 8 + 0 = 17
1 + 7 = 8
That's what I mean... ^_^ Yippee... I'm feeling better now... :p And then... Let's make this world better :)
Your birth date describes who we are, what we are good at and what our inborn abilities are. It also points to what we have to learn and the challenges we are facing. To figure out your Birth Number, add all the numbers in the birth date together like in the example until there is only one digit.
A Birth Number does not prevent you from being anything you want to be, it will just color your choice differently and give you a little insight.
Once you have discovered your Birth Number, tell this way to the rest of your friends, including the one who told this to you... Have fun!
Example : August 22, 1971
8 + 22 + 1971 = 2001 = 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 3
3 is the Birth Number to read for the birth date in the example.
You number is _____,
:: Criteria ::
1's are originals. Coming up with new ideas and executing them is natural.
Having things their own way is another trait that gets them as being stubborn and arrogant.
1's are extremely honest and do well to learn some diplomacy skills.
They like to take the initiative and are often leaders or bosses, as they like to be the best. Being self-employed is definitely helpful for them.
Lesson to learn: Others' ideas might be just as good or better and to stay open minded.
Famous 1's: Tom Hanks, Robert Redford, Hulk Hogan, Carol Burnett, Wynona Judd, Nancy Reagan, Raquel Welch.
2's are the born diplomats. They are aware of others' needs and moods and often think of others before themselves. Naturally analytical and very intuitive they don't like to be alone. Friendship and companionship is very important and can lead them to be successful in life, but on the other hand they'd rather be alone than in an uncomfortable relationship. Being naturally shy they should learn to boost their self-esteem and express themselves freely and seize the moment and not put things off.
Famous 2's: President Bill Clinton, Madonna, Whoopee Goldberg, Thomas Edison, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
3's are idealists. They are very creative, social, charming, romantic, and easygoing. They start many things, but don't always see them through. They like others to be happy and go to great lengths to achieve it. They are very popular and idealistic. They should learn to see
the world from a more realistic point of view.
Famous 3's: Alan Alda, Ann Landers, Bill Cosby, Melanie Griffith, Salvador Dali, Jodi Foster.
4's are sensible and traditional. They like order and routine. They only act when they fully understand what they are expected to do. They like getting their hands dirty and working hard. They are attracted to the outdoors and feel an affinity with nature. They are prepared to wait and can be stubborn and persistent. They should learn to be more flexible and to be nice to themselves.
Famous 4's: Neil Diamond, Margaret Thatcher, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tina Turner, Paul Hogan, Oprah Winfrey
5's are the explorers. Their natural curiosity, risk taking, and enthusiasm often land them in hot water. They need diversity, and don't like to be stuck in a rut. The whole world is their school and they see a learning possibility in every situation. The questions never stop. They are well advised to look before they take action and make sure they have all the facts before jumping to conclusions.
Famous 5's: Abraham Lincoln, Charlotte Bronte, Jessica Walter, Vincent Van Gogh, Bette Midler, Helen Keller and Mark Hamil.
6's are idealistic and need to feel useful to be happy. A strong family connection is important to them. Their emotions influence their decisions.
They have a strong urge to take care of others and to help. They are very loyal and make great teachers. They like art or music. They make loyal friends who take the friendship seriously. 6's should learn to differentiate between what they can change and what they cannot.
Famous 6's: Albert Einstein, Jane Seymour, John Denver, Meryl Streep, Christopher Columbus, Goldie Hawn.
7's are the searchers. Always probing for hidden information, they find it difficult to accept things at face value. Emotions don't sway their decisions. Questioning everything in life, they don't like to be questioned themselves. They're never off to a fast start, and their motto is slow and steady wins the race. They come across as philosophers and being very knowledgeable, and sometimes as loners. They are technically inclined and make great researchers uncovering information. They like secrets. They live in their own world and should learn what is acceptable
and what not in the world at large.
Famous 7's: William Shakespeare, Lucille Ball, Michael Jackson, Joan Baez, Princess Diana.
8's are the problem solvers. They are professional, blunt and to the point, have good judgment and are decisive. They have grand plans and like to live the good life. They take charge of people. They view people objectively. They let you know in no uncertain terms that they are the boss. They should learn to exude their decisions on their own needs rather than on what others want.
Famous 8's: Edgar Cayce, Barbra Streisand, George Harrison, Jane Fonda, Pablo Picasso, Aretha Franklin, Nostrodamus.
9's are natural entertainers. They are very caring and generous, giving away their last dollar to help. With their charm, they have no problem making friends and nobody is a stranger to them. They have so many different personalities that people around them have a hard time understanding them. They are like chameleons, ever changing and blending in. They have tremendous luck, but also can suffer from extremes in fortune and mood. To be successful, they need to build a loving foundation.
Famous 9's: Albert Schweitzer, Shirley MacLaine, Harrison Ford, Jimmy Carter, Elvis Presley.
:: Today Thanks ::
Tuk' Ayheeb: Ini namanya tuh Tag-Board, bukannya sot-bok... gua shot, mabok luh... hehehe (b'canda coy...)
Tuk' Netta: hmm... eh, bhs Belgia-nya terima kasih atas kunjungannya apa ya Nett? :)
Tuk' x girl: I know you, I know you, I'll always want to know you more... I'm hoping that someday... hiks... we can be... hiks... but I don't have any reason to believe that all of my dreams will come true :"(
Tuk' ita: itu sih suara obat tetes mata ngkalee... abis begadang mulu siih :p hoahemm
Tuk' aban: wah... boleh juga tuh, serasi... kaya' savage garden... nah loh! ^_^V
Tuk' aan: yo'i... atur ajah lah... asal bermanfaat dan jauh dari mudhorat... sini siap ikutan... hehehe
Berikut... TagBoard sepertinya sudah bisa difungsikan nih... :) Silakan bagi para pengunjung, dicicipi lah... kalo enak beri tahu teman-teman anda, kalo kurang enak... caci dan makilah aku sepuasmu... jangan kau lampiaskan ke tempat lain... ini kan "tempatku" :p
Hmm... hmm... hmm... idea... come to me... ooops... no copycat here... ooops I did it again
Wiiih... PYRA lumayan sulit untuk dimengerti... diriku masih belum bisa memahami perilakumu... jurus dasar HTML yang kukuasai pun nampaknya belum bisa lebur dengan dirimu... tapi lumayanlah, udah mulai berbentuk :)
Accessories + Tools... gimana ya cara nyelipinnya... hehehe